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Monday, February 4, 2013

[FiguReview]Warung Nasi Ibu Ida

Even if it's a "FiguReview" segment, but the.... item I'm reviewing isn't really a figure, it's more a miniature or diorama. Remember some food miniatures I reviewed weeks ago? These items are made from the same shop, Little Things. I've been wanted to buy this set for couple of months so when I got some extra cash I bought it.

You probably wonder what is this "Warung Nasi Ibu Ida" means. Put it bluntly, it means "Mrs Ida's Rice Warung". I don't know if there's proper translation of 'warung' in English, I search but seems there isn't any. Anyway, "warung" is a small, casual, street-level business in Indonesia. There are many varieties of "warung", often it's a convenience store selling snacks, drinks, or other daily necessities products, but there are also many "warung" serving as restaurant. The item I bought today is the latter. Just the name suggested, "rice warung" provides you with many, many traditional side dish you can choose by yourself for your meal with rice as the main dish. Since rice is Indonesian's primary food, there are lots of "rice warung" you can find anywhere in any cities of Indonesia.

Sculpt & Paint
I'll just combine the usual two segments into one. The sculpt and paint for these items are really really well done, it really looks authentic, just like the real warung booth and foods. If I remember correctly, all the foods and the small items here are made from clay.

The paint details of the booth are great, making it like the booth are already used for years. The drawer can also be pulled just like a real one, and hidden there, there are some items like rag, magazine, and duster. If you're wondering, the four pictures on this segment are what I get from the set, other items on the first picture above, like the calendar and the chairs, I bought it separately.

Here are the details of the foods. Like I said, these are really well done and look just like the real food, with the exception of the 'kerupuk' which I find unrealistic. I really admire the efforts the maker put for small details like making the chili bowl messy or different image for each page on the magazine. The placements are really awesome too.

By the way, all the plates are glued for convenience, but with a little bit of force I can take them out separately for posing needs since these are in-scale with 1/12 figure, like SHF, Revoltech, Figma, etc.

And here's the other items I bought outside the 'warung set' to make it merrier. The coke bottles can be remove one by one from the crates and the calendar have different image for each page, which by the way are the images of local artists, lol.

By pose, of course I mean with the 1/12 figures (or those in same height), since like I said, the scale are almost the same. So here are some pictures of my mecha, Nendoroid, Revoltech, Figma, Ultra-Act, and SHFiguarts collections hanging out in a warung XD
The scale is off, but who cares D:
Mrs. Yune's Rice Warung
Woody is checking Yoko out, while Kenshiro's
accompanying Yotsuba
Mio is drunk... With a cola XD
"Don't worry Red-san, Kayoko-san will forgive you"
"Tiga-san, you'll look good with this apron"
"You're sick, Dyna..."
Teenagers these days, what are you doing,
Fourze, Nadeshiko?!!!

And last one is mixed line...

End Verdict
These miniatures are amazing, 'nuff said. The only major down side is....... the price XD
But I understand the creativity is expensive and since this is not mass produced, as far as I know, for me, these unique miniatures are worth the price.


  1. I've always appreciate miniatures and this is an excellent example! The details are really fine, it is definitely much better than anything from major companies such as Rement. Any chance they have an online store?

    1. They do have web site but it's down now, and IIRC it doesn't serve as a store, only to promote their physical store :(

  2. oom, belinya dimana ya?

    1. Nama tokonya Little Things, di Plaza Semanggi, Jakarta.
      Lupa lengkapnya, seinget gw sih di lantai 2, deket eskalator...

  3. miniaturnya brapaan?...pengen :(

    1. Yang kecil satuan kisaran 15-40k sih tergantung isinya, kadang dipaket isi 3-4 buah yang sama. Klo yang set lumayan cetar membahana. Langsung aja ke tokonya, ada diorama yang lain juga sih terakhir liat :)

  4. ngeliat dioramanya jadi ....


  5. lol baka anko
    just use stall instead of warung

    1. Saya poetera Indonesia, mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia!

  6. wah keren miniaturnya,detail sekali ^^

  7. Kalo semuanya harganya berapaan? keren bro...


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